Partner With Us

Become a Partner

There are many ways to partner with A4TD and both support and benefit from the programs which we provide. Businesses partner with us to provide feedback about skills and jobs in demand, and often hire program participants; nonprofit partners serve as host agency training sites and benefit from the talents of older workers; local training providers offer classes to help us meet the demand for training. The possibilities are endless, and we would be glad to explore them with you.

Are you interested in partnering with A4TD? For more information call 800-439-3307 or contact us.

Are you eligible for SCSEP?

We also offer a printable version of the application. Feel free to print and complete, then fax it to us at 802-524-9933 or scan and email to

Download Printable Version


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Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Application: 1 of

“The SCSEP was a turning point in my career and my life. I grew in many ways. I recommend trying the program to anyone who wants training and help finding a job that they actually like.”