What is Associates for Training and Development?

We are a nonprofit corporation that has been in operation for over 36 years. We administer training programs that help individuals obtain or retain employment. The company was originally founded in 1983 as Vermont Associates for Training and Development, Inc. Since we have grown outside of Vermont, we now do business as Associates for Training and Development, or A4TD.

How are you funded?

We are primarily grant funded. Currently, we operate the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), a program of the United States Department of Labor. The SCSEP is funded under Title V of the Older Americans Act. We also operate various other projects for state governments and private foundations; all of them involve training job seekers to prepare them for work.

Where are you located?

We have offices in 5 states; Connecticut, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. You can explore our office locations and find the one nearest you!

What is the purpose of the SCSEP?

SCSEP provides training and employment services to people age 55+. To be eligible, people must also be currently unemployed, meet income requirements, and they must want to work. SCSEP provides part-time, paid training positions in community service assignments at nonprofit agencies. The objective is to help people find and retain jobs, while supporting community service activities performed by our partners. The SCSEP is a transitional program, a bridge linking a mature worker to an improved life and economic independence.

How do I find out if I qualify for the SCSEP?

The eligibility requirements of the SCSEP are established by federal law. Eligible individuals are age 55+, unemployed, and at or below 125% of federal poverty level. Some pieces of income are excluded from that calculation, so if you are unsure whether you are eligible, you should check with us! You can complete an application online, and we will help you determine whether or not you are eligible.

Do I have to pay to apply?

Absolutely not. There is no fee to participate in the SCSEP or the Vermont Returnship Program. We do charge tuition for Learn It 2 Work, but options exist for tuition assistance.

What are the benefits for an individual in the SCSEP?

Some of the benefits of SCSEP are earned wages, career counseling, annual physical examination funding, on-the-job training, help finding unsubsidized jobs, and access to other appropriate support services. SCSEP helps people get back on their feet so they can find and retain work.

What is a Host Agency?

A “host agency” (sometimes called a Community Service Assignment) is an organization that provides training to a SCSEP participant. The host agency receives community service from the participant, in exchange for providing supervision while the individual trains. A host agency must be a public agency or a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-partisan organization. There are many benefits to being a host agency, and we get inquiries for partnership on a regular basis. Learn more about host agencies here!

What if I am interested, but I make too much money to qualify for SCSEP?

A4TD may still be able to help you. We have a network of training partners who do not have the same income restrictions, and we could provide you with some referrals. As well, many employers contact us looking for candidates, so if you’re looking for work we could help you get connected. If you live in Vermont, you may be interested in the Vermont Returnship Program as an alternative. Contact us to see how we can help!

What wages are paid to SCSEP Participants?

Participants train an average schedule of 20 hours per week and are paid the minimum wage in their area. We are limited to paying this wage by law. Our goal is to move participants into unsubsidized positions to increase their earnings well above minimum wage. We have  a strong record of success!

Will wages I earn in the SCSEP affect my eligibility when applying for additional assistance such as state sponsored housing assistance, fuel assistance, etc.? 

Wages paid under this program may be counted as income when determining eligibility for other programs. If you have questions about whether other assistance impacts your SCSEP eligibility, we can definitely answer those questions. If you have questions about how SCSEP wages affect your eligibility for other programs, you should contact the agency operating that program.

How do I become a Host Agency?

A4TD’s SCSEP participants contribute to hundreds of nonprofits across the northeast. You can find out more about partnership here, or call the office nearest you for direct assistance.

What if I am interested in hiring a participant?

For information on finding a participant who fits your job description and requirements, contact the office nearest you or visit our job board to post your position for free.


How else can I help you assist older workers?

As a 501(c)3 charitable organization, we gladly accept tax deductible donations to help us expand our services.

How do I find more information?

Would you like to talk to a human? We are here for you! Call us toll-free at 1-800-439-3307.

Begin your A4TD program application to take the first step on your continued career journey

Are you eligible for SCSEP?

We also offer a printable version of the application. Feel free to print and complete, then fax it to us at 802-524-9933 or scan and email to apply@a4td.org.

Download Printable Version


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Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Application: 1 of

“The SCSEP was a turning point in my career and my life. I grew in many ways. I recommend trying the program to anyone who wants training and help finding a job that they actually like.”